lunes, 2 de marzo de 2020

What to eat in Madagascar?

Mmmmm... I'm in Madagascar and starving, but I don't know where or what to eat, what are the best dishes in Madagascar?

Resultado de imagen para seafood in madagascar     


When we talk about Madagascar we may think about seafood, as it's an island. They have a huge variety of food which bring to us great explosions of flavour to our palate that surprise us and make us enjoy the great culture and GASTRONOMY.

Cuisine in Madagascar is influenced by Arabia, China, France and India. The most common ingredients which give flavour to the dishes are onions, garlic, ginger, mild curry, salt and tomatoes.
They include almost in every single dish the ingredient LAOKA

Rice with laoka
Rice with laoka

There's nothing much to say about SEAFOOD, except that is delicious, because they eat the same kinds of shellfish. They also have great dishes involving meat and rice. Some of the specialities in the country are akoho sy voanio (a chicken dish with coconut), foza sy hena-kisoa (a stir-fried pork, crab and rice dish) and kitoza (long pieces of smoked, fried meat). Here are some pictures so you can have a look:

Resultado de imagen para akoho sy voanio
Akoho sy voanio

Resultado de imagen para foza sy hena-kisoa
Foza sy hena-kisoa

Resultado de imagen para kitoza

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