lunes, 27 de enero de 2020

BIG problem for Madagascar

How are you all?

How have you been doing lately? We've been quite busy as we are searching as much information as we possibly can. I, personally, have found that some really important studies on which we base our daily jobs or life. A research that can actually define how many of your population is healthy or not is the HIV study which our government looks at to see how responsible is Spanish (young) population. This study, to us, may mean how resoponsible our society is but, to a country which its population it's mainly poor could lead to the multiple deaths of people that have AIDS. This would translate into a serious problem for the country's economy system, which could bring the region into a disaster. 

Even with these few studies, we can affirm that in 1993 only 0,9% of people living in Madagascar suffer from HIV. To compare it to something so you get a better vision of this we could say that the current number in Spain is 0,007% according to Keep in mind that we are comparing a "developed" first world country with an "undeveloped" third world country.

Thank you very much for checking out our blog. Make sure to check our Instagram too: @madagascarambassadors.

We've put at your service a PayPal link which would help us really much if you could donate some money so we, next to the entity we are working with (PROIDE), keep building new schools in Madagascar.

And remember, check this website every Monday, as we upload it weekly!!

lunes, 20 de enero de 2020

Graphic daily life

Hey again!

As promised, we are updating our AWESOME blog with some brand new information we just obtained.

The organization which we are currently working with is PROIDE. This entity has provided us with excellent photografies of the streets of Madagascar, we love working with them!!!! 
They are really kind and look after us and our work. These photos show quite well how people lives in Madagascar. Most of the people have humble lives with not a lot of luxury in their lifes. Somehow we should learn about their "poverty" as it would make us a little bit more human and sympathetic to people around us. We think following some aspects of  Madagascar inhabitants' lives would make our day by day waaaaaay BETTER.

Would you like some more updates about our project? Visit our blog weekly.

Here are some photos which they gave us to help you get informed, these are some of our partners building and finishing a school we built:

lunes, 13 de enero de 2020

Welcome to Madgascar

We're 5 students from La Salle, a school in Tarragona, Spain. 
We are doing a project called Madagascar Ambassadors.
You may be wondering what this is all about... Well, we will be working with an association called Proide, which improves education around many underdeveloped countries in the world, such as Madagascar.
Our mission is simple: we have to promote Madagascar's REAL situation, and not simply what people know from watching TV. 

We would also like to give you guys information about the country so you can learn tips if ever you were thinking of going there. 

Make sure to come back every week for more updates!